Review EPC Contractor’s Design; Site Supervision of Construction Works ; Equipment, Factory Inspections and Testing; Assistance in EPC Contract Administration; Quality Control of Construction Materials; Review and Approval of EPC Construction Design; Checking and Issuance of Operation and Maintenance Manuals; Checking and Approval of Execution and Shop Drawings; Checking and Approval of Contractor’s Interim Payments Statements; Issuance of Final Payment Certificates; Review and approve the EPC contractor’s ESHS (Environment Social Health and Safety) management plans and the Construction ESMMP prepared by the Contractor; Monitor the implementation of the environmental, health and safety measures as specified in the construction management plans; Monitor contractor and subcontractor ESHS performance and conformance with the CESMMP; Supervise the Contractor’s compliance with contract specifications, including the implementation and operation of environmental mitigation measures and ensure their effectiveness Supervise Environmental and Social monitoring protocols of the Contractor in line with the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the ESHS requirements.
Client: Nepal Water and Energy Development Company Pvt. Ltd
The project is financed by International Finance Corporation (IFC) along with other eight international financing institutions namely ADB, AIIB, K-EXIM, KDB, CDC, FMO, PROPARCO and OFID.
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